AplicaTIC Project


In order to place the visitor on the relevance of the present initiative, let’s first point out one of the characteristic aspects of the ICT Competence Center of the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (CCTIC-ESES) – the training of teachers for the different levels of education – since this has been one of the main missions of the center since its creation in 1997. The concern to adapt the training offer to the needs and requirements of schools in its geographic area of influence is one of the characteristics of CCTIC-ESESantarém.

The reprint for the fourth time of the APLICATIC training project also takes into account the context of the current information and knowledge society, which is characterized by the great offer and availability of information.

We choose as objectives of the training proposal: to promote the universalization of the use of web 2.0 tools in the context of the classroom; Develop pedagogical and professional skills with ICT in teachers; Provide a space for sharing good practices of the methodologies, resources and tools addressed.

The plan was designed from July 2016 and will be executed between January and July 2017, consisting on a set of face-to-face or distance training, certified and free (registration required).

The AplicTIC project, includes all the training sessions presented to the Scientific Technical Council, of ESESantarém, of technological areas and in these cases the formations will operate in the face-to-face mode. It also includes formations from other scientific areas and in this case they will operate in distance mode. For the latter, the CCTIC will intervene in technical and pedagogical support, in the organization and definition of the structure of the discipline to training support.

The sessions will follow a hands-on methodology whose main objective is, from a demonstration, to provide the trainees a space for exploration, experimentation and construction of digital resources appropriate to the contents and the audiences with which they work.

To conclude our presentation of this initiative, it’s important to reaffirm that this is the fourth time that the CCTIC of ESESantarém launches this idea, that in the first three editions we counted on more than 800 entries. We will continue from the conception that changes in teaching practice, especially in the use of educational technologies in context, are part of the priorities of institutional contexts and professional development and training, emphasizing the idea that all the training we propose is very important to keep the elementary and secondary schools and kindergartens at the forefront of work methodologies in education.


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  • Programming in Kodu as a learning tool
  • Promoting the well-being of babies in social and educational contexts
  • Scratch, a tool to learn how to program and not only.
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  • Learn from Projects and Internationalization
  • Infographics in educational context
  • Educational contexts with Weebly
  • Virtual Simulations in Science Teaching
  • Use of online games in the classroom
  • eTwinning a world of ideas integrated into the curriculum
  • Learning Labs
  • Scratch Programming in Mathematics Teaching
  • Educational contexts with Powtoon
  • Virtual simulations in the teaching of science and mathematics

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